Contact Mike

You have 2 WAYS to reach me!

Option #1:

If you're the type of person who want to "get right to it", then I recommend booking a 30-minute Zoom session with me. You'll get to see a little more into my personality and I'll be able to answer any questions you have then and there.

Simply click the button and book a slot on my calendar. If you find yourself in a time zone that doesn't jive so well with my calendar, then please use Option #2 to contact me and we can book a mutually acceptable Zoom time from there.

Option #2:

If you just have a simple question or 2, or you're the type of person who just likes to take things slower, then my contact form is the perfect option for you. I should get back to you within 24 hours of receiving your message, unless you reach out to me on the weekend or Friday, in which case, you'll hear back from me on Monday.