
I'm Mike Caldwell

Empathic Marketing® Specialist

Hey there, I'm Mike Caldwell, the guy behind Empathic Marketing. I don’t just help businesses craft marketing messages—I help them connect on a deeper, human level. In a world where trust is harder to earn than ever, I focus on strategies that not only drive sales but also build lasting relationships. It's this down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach that’s caught the eye of major media outlets, podcasters, and TV hosts alike. They’re all eager to share how this grounded marketing method can transform businesses just like yours.

Stage Appearances

TEDx Aurora

"You never lose, you either win or you learn." – Nelson Mandela

That quote couldn't be more true for my TEDx Talk experience.

I’ve always loved public speaking and have done it under all kinds of circumstances over the years. As a paramedic, I often had to deliver some pretty uncomfortable messages to large groups, and I did it with confidence.

But TEDx was different. I thought I had to speak the "TEDx way"—you know, be all introspective and thought-provoking like Simon Sinek.

So, I did something I hadn’t done since my first Master’s Degree presentation in 1997, which, by the way, was a disaster. I memorized my talk. To make matters worse, I tried to speak in a voice that wasn’t naturally mine.

The results were exactly what you'd expect. My wife was there, and she said I did great—but she loves me and hadn’t heard me speak before. After she heard me in Toronto, she agreed—I pooped the bed at TEDx!

Thankfully, the AV crew messed up, and my TEDx video never got published. Now, I’m planning to take another shot at the TEDx stage, but this time, I’ll do it right—with my own voice.

Savant Ecommerce Toronto

When I first started searching for speaking opportunities, I thought, "What the heck, I'll reach out to Savant even though they're probably way out of my league."

To my surprise, the organizer did some digging, ordered my book, saw that I’d held a TEDx stage, and invited me for an interview. I’m not sure what I said, but somehow, I landed the gig!

I was a bit pessimistic because this event was for C-Suite execs from some of the world’s top brands: Google, Samsung, Adidas, Nike, GoPro, Meta, Ikea… and their speakers are usually CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, and other high-ranking officials.

But they liked my message and decided to give me a shot.

On Day 1, I delivered a 35-minute keynote on Empathic Marketing, and it was so well received that they asked me to lead a roundtable on Day 2. That roundtable, "AI: From Helper to Hazard," ended up being the most popular of the day.

The feedback from both sessions was so positive that they invited me to speak at their New York event just two months later!

Savant Ecommerce New York

You know the saying, "If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere"?

It’s funny, because after crushing it at the Savant Toronto event, I was personally invited to speak in New York. But there was a difference—in Toronto, I was the underdog, with no expectations.

In New York, I was expected to shine. And the lineup of attendees? Intimidating, to say the least.

We’re talking the top ranks of Google and Samsung. The best friend I made at the event was a VP from Victoria's Secret!

Savant asked me to present the same material I did in Toronto, which gave me a solid foundation. I just polished it up, and to my surprise, the feedback was even better the second time around.

The chairperson in New York was different from Toronto, and as I left the stage, she told me I was welcome to speak at any event she was involved with.

Plus, I had a blast in New York—ate at some iconic Times Square pizza spots and even caught "The Book of Mormon" on Broadway. If my wife can join me, I’m definitely considering speaking there again next year.

Mawer Capital Mastermind

Let’s keep it real—this presentation wasn’t one of my finest moments. I went deep into the weeds, breaking down how understanding your audience's Level of Sophistication can shape the perfect offer.

Turns out, I got a little too technical and lost the crowd. This is where I should have leaned more on empathy. They didn’t want the theory; they just wanted actionable steps and proof that it works.

But hey, there’s no such thing as a bad experience, right? It was a learning moment that forced me to improve in future presentations

(And just for the record, the guy next to me was totally into it—he couldn’t wait to chat during the break!)

Jim Lutes -

Penthouse Mastermind

I had the pleasure of presenting at the stunning Penthouse Mastermind in San Diego, where I spent an hour diving into something close to my heart: truly understanding your audience.

But I didn’t stop at just the basics—I explored how connecting with them on both an Experiential and Emotional level can make all the difference.

We dug into the nuts and bolts of creating a 'Have to Have it' Hook and crafting a Big Differentiator that sets you apart from the competition.

To top it all off, I equipped everyone with AI prompts to simplify the process, making it easier than ever to put these strategies into action.

By the end of the session, attendees were not just inspired—they were armed with practical tools to elevate their marketing and make a real impact.

TAG Talks - Los Angeles

During my 40-minute presentation at TAG TALKS in Los Angeles, I tackled a common pitfall in business: rushing the sale before building a relationship.

I shared insights on why this approach often backfires and how taking the time to connect with your audience can lead to much stronger, more loyal customer relationships.

In a bit of a twist, this was also the first time I proposed live to anyone on stage—well, apart from proposing to my real-life wife in front of 200 people, but that’s a story for another time.

By the end of the talk, attendees didn’t just leave with new perspectives—they also walked away with AI prompts designed to make building those essential relationships simple and easy.

Television Appearances

WTVM News 9 - ABC

Catch me chatting with D. Armstrong on WTVM News 9 about the real power behind Empathic Marketing. We dive into why truly getting your audience—knowing their needs, their emotions—can be a game-changer for your business.

We even tackle the infamous 'Yoga Sock Predicament' and share some no-nonsense tips on how to boost your audience engagement. This isn’t just theory—these are actionable strategies you can use right away. Don’t miss out—hit play and start leveling up your marketing game.

WHAS News 11 - ABC

In this video I speak with Claudine from ABC Great Day Live, WHAS News 11. We talk about how living off the grid has impacted my approach to marketing and what the biggest mistake most businesses are making today that is costing them both clients and sales.

Great Day KC - Fox 4

In this interview I talk about the tenacity and persistance required for a successful marketing. I talk about how big brands use big differentiators to sell more products but how businesses of any size can use this same tactic.

What They're Saying

Podcast and Radio Appearances

The Garlic Marketing Show

I had the pleasure of joining Ian Garlic on The Garlic Marketing Show podcast. We discussed how breaking my arm, leg, and back set me on a new path in marketing. Together, we explored the unexpected connection between Russell Brunson and a Bouncing House, and I shared how one strategic video sent a Bootcamp Gym's ROI soaring to 36:1.

Listen in as we dive into the core principles of 'Empathic Marketing,' the pitfalls of Funnel Hacking, and my unique methods for website conversion. You'll also learn about my Double Double Guarantee and gain insights on overcoming limiting beliefs in offers.

Plus, for all the authors out there, get ready to discover three innovative ways to monetize your book!

The #BeReal Podcast with

Travis Huff

If you like HIGH ENERGY podcasts, then you definitely want to check out this interview I did with Travis Huff.

We discuss what Empathy means to me and in marketing, and I tell the story of how a complete stranger almost said yes to my on stage marriage proposal.

It was a pretty hectic interview... and, his internet connection wasn't the best, so there's a bit of "glitchiness" to it.

Win the Hour, Win the Day with Kris Ward

"Feel stuck in your business and can't find the way out?

I had a chat with Mike Caldwell to reveal the emotional keys to business transformation.

Don't miss this chance to listen in to learn:

-Why knowing your '4 Ds' can change your business game.

-How to dig deep and find out what you really want.

-The big fears that keep you from moving forward.

-The secret to standing out in a crowded market.

Tune in to unlock the emotional code to business success. You can't afford to miss this!" - Kris Ward

The Start Up on LA Talk Radio with Monique Lore

On this episode of "The Startup with Monique Lore" on LA Talk Radio, I had the pleasure of joining Monique to share my own path from firefighting and emergency medical services to carving a niche in the marketing world. We talked about how my years as a paramedic shaped my approach to business—turns out empathy isn't just for the ER, but a critical tool in marketing, too. This all came together in my bestselling book, "Empathic Marketing".

We didn't just keep it to backstory, though. Monique and I got into the nitty-gritty of my "4Ds of Transformation Delivery"—a marketing strategy you won't want to miss if you're interested in creating a deeper connection with your customers. Trust me, it's an episode filled with tales of resilience, unexpected career turns, and a lot of heart. Give it a listen; you won't be disappointed.

The Nice Guys on Business

I recently sat down with the Nice Guys on Business podcast, and we covered a lot of ground. So, you know that nasty fall I had? Broke my arm, leg, and back—yeah, that was a wake-up call. It ended my days as a firefighter/paramedic and led me to an abandoned sawmill, which is now my home and the venue for my Mad Trapper events, outdoor education camps, and rustic weddings.

We talked about how this whole journey opened my eyes to the role of empathy in business. It's not just for the life-and-death situations I faced as a paramedic; it's a game-changer in the business world too. I put those experiences and insights into my book "Empathic Marketing," and now I'm on a mission to help other businesses get that same edge.

The Nice Guys and I dived into how empathy can win you clients and boost your sales, no matter what the economy is up to.

Check out the episode; you'll get some real takeaways that can help level up your own business game.

World of Marketing with

Tom Foster

"Mike Caldwell has done it all. He is a former paramedic turned marketing coach through his company The Marketing Medic. Mike has worked with a number of big names including Russell Brunson and Todd Brown. Through his successes across the United States, he has developed a keen system for helping businesses of all kinds develop marketing strategies that work! Get to know Mike (AKA the Marketing Medic) in this week’s episode to learn how you can use empathic marketing to grow your business today.

Move beyond funnel hacking and other fad marketing styles with empathic marketing. Understand who your audience consists of, what they need, and how they want it. Then deliver your value to them the way it needs to be done. This is a must for everyone, but especially those in a saturated industry. Go further than the competition with a strategy that is personalized to your specific clientele.

Crackin the Cash Code with

Josh Patrick

"Unlock the power of Empathic Marketing and transform your business with our latest Cracking the Cash Flow Code episode featuring marketing expert Mike Caldwell!

Discover the five essential steps of empathic marketing and learn how putting your customers first leads to more effective results for your business. Mike shares valuable insights on understanding your audience, using a pyramid to assess their level of awareness, and tailoring your message to resonate with them.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a marketing expert like Mike Caldwell and discover the impact of empathic marketing on your business success. 🔥" - Josh Patrick

The "Ash Said It" Podcast

This was such a bizarre interview...

We had to do on the phone. And I've got great high speed fiber internet here, but not the best cell phone service. So I got in my truck and drove through the hills until I could see the cell tower.

It was raining, and my truck is pretty well insulated, but it certainly wasn't the best example of a sound studio.

She called, and prior to the interview I explained how I hoped we could have a good conversation as I didn't want to sound like I was lecturing on marketing.

And she said "of course, that's exactly how I like to roll". But if you listen to the interview, you'll hear that she really wasn't listening to my words at all.

If the interview is no longer there... she may have seen this post!

What They're Saying

Print Media

USA Wire

In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, businesses are up against the challenge of keeping things real with their clients. Sure, digital tools and AI have made things easier, but they’ve also stripped away some of that human connection we all crave. That’s where Empathic Marketing® comes in—it’s about digging deep into what your audience really needs and forging those meaningful, lasting relationships.

Drawing on the principles from my book Empathic Marketing®, this article dives into how you can truly get inside your audience’s head. We explore everything from Eugene Schwartz’s Levels of Awareness and Sophistication to the 4D’s of Transformation Delivery, and we tackle those pesky False Limiting Beliefs that keep your customers from taking the plunge.

When you understand where your audience is coming from—what they’re worried about, what they’re dreaming of—you can craft messages that hit home. It’s not just about getting noticed; it’s about making sure your message sticks, your audience trusts you, and your brand stands out in the crowd.

Authority Magazine

In my recent feature for Authority Magazine, I delved into the principles of Empathic Marketing®, a strategy that prioritizes empathy, compassion, and genuine connections to build meaningful relationships with both customers and teams. I shared how my diverse background, from paramedic to marketer, and my off-grid lifestyle in Canada have uniquely shaped my approach to creating marketing messages that truly resonate.

The article also highlights the importance of understanding your audience’s deeper needs and emotions, whether through recognizing their Levels of Awareness and Sophistication or addressing False Limiting Beliefs. By leading with empathy, businesses can not only improve their marketing efforts but also foster lasting trust and loyalty in an increasingly digital world.

MarTech Series

In today’s digital age, where AI is rapidly transforming business, keeping genuine human connections intact has never been more important—or more challenging. In my recent article for Martech Series, I explore how Empathic Marketing® can help businesses bridge this gap.

By understanding your audience’s Levels of Awareness and Sophistication, addressing their 4D’s of Transformation Delivery, and tackling their False Limiting Beliefs, you can create marketing messages that resonate deeply and build lasting trust.

Empathic Marketing® is about more than just selling—it’s about connecting on a human level. With a strong "Have to Have it Hook" and a compelling Big Differentiator, you can ensure your brand stands out in a crowded market while fostering loyalty and trust. In a world where the human touch is often overshadowed by technology, this approach keeps your brand both relevant and relatable.

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